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AADP Requirements

The AADP Program Requirements

AADP Master Degree Programs (MTh)

·         A prior bachelor or master degree required for enrollment in the master degree program: The earned bachelor or master major must be compatible to the AADP master program major


* Exceptions for enrollment to the AADP Master Degree Programs are considered for those who hold degrees in other non-related majors when competency in the AADP degree major can be verified through transcripts that reflect a minimum of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major, or agree to complete (5) five core courses, and (2) two major courses.

Note: The transfer into the NTS Accelerated Academic Degree Program of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major is compatible to approximately 3 semesters of study, up to a year and a half of school program attendance.

Academic Requirements For AADP Master Degree Program:

  1. Approved thesis proposal (2,000 words – approximately 5-6 pages)

  2. Thesis requirements 15,000 to 30,000 words minimum (approximately 60-120 pages)

  3. 30 earned credit hours in courses related to AADP major, or agree to complete (5) five core courses and (2) two major courses.

Financial Requirements for AADP Master Degree Programs:

NTS accepted Love Offer in lieu of tuition is required for enrollment in AADP program. Master Degree Program minimum love offer amount is $1,999.00.



AADP Doctorate Degree Programs (PhD)

·        A prior master or doctorate degree required for enrollment in the doctorate program: The earned master or doctorate major must be compatible to the AADP doctorate program major


* Exceptions for enrollment to the AADP Doctoral Degree Programs are considered for those who hold degrees in other non-related majors when competency in the AADP degree major can be verified through transcripts that reflect a minimum of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major, or agree to complete (5) five core courses, and (2) two major courses.

Note: The transfer of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major is compatible to approximately 3 semesters of study, up to a year and a half of school program attendance.

           Academic Requirements for AADP Doctorate Degree Programs:

  1. Approved dissertation proposal (2,000 words – approximately 5-6 pages)

  2. Dissertation requirements 20,000 to 40,000 words minimum (approximately 80-160 pages)

  3. 30 earned credit hours in courses related to AADP major, or agree to complete (5) five core courses and (2) two major courses.

Financial Requirements for AADP Doctorate Degree Programs:

NTS accepted Love Offer in lieu of tuition is required for enrollment in AADP program. Master Degree Program minimum love offer amount is $1,999.00.

AADP Combined Degree Programs

[Master - Doctorate] [Master - Master] [Doctorate / Doctorate]

·         A prior bachelor or master degree required for enrollment in the master degree program and/or a prior master or doctorate degree required for enrollment in the doctorate program: The earned bachelor, master, or doctorate major must be compatible to the AADP doctorate program major.


* Exceptions for enrollment to the AADP Master or Doctorate Degree Programs are considered for those who hold degrees in other non-related majors when competency in the AADP degree major can be verified through transcripts that reflect a minimum of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major.

Note: The transfer into the NTS Accelerated Academic Degree Program of 30 earned credit hours of prior studies in courses related to the selected AADP major is compatible to approximately 3 semesters of study, up to a year and a half of school program attendance.

Academic Requirements for Combined AADP Degree Programs:

Note: 30 earned credit hours in courses related to AADP major, or agree to complete (5) five core courses and (2) two major courses, must be completed for the first degree program, and is only required to be completed once.

For each chosen master programs:

  1. Approved thesis proposal (2,000 words – approximately 5-6 pages)

  2. Thesis requirements 15,000 to 30,000 words minimum (approximately 60-120 pages)

For each chosen doctoral programs:

  1. Approved dissertation / thesis proposals (2,000 words – approximately 5-6 pages)

  2. Dissertation requirements 20,000 to 40,000 words minimum (approximately 80-160 pages)

Financial Requirements for AADP Master / Doctorate Degree Programs:

NTS accepted Love Offer in lieu of tuition is required for enrollment in AADP program. The Combined AADP Degree Program minimum love offer amount is $2,999.00.

·         AADP student transcripts will reflect grading only for the thesis or dissertation and will show no transferrable earned credits, which is common practice since no courses would have been completed in the AADP program.