Northwestern Theological Seminary  
"Educating the world for Jesus Christ"  
Main Topic Selections

Educating The World

You can receive your state authorized, theologically accredited Bachelor, Master, Doctorate degrees in far less time, for up to 98% less expense than through most traditional online seminaries, online bible colleges, online universities!    




  Northwestern Theological Seminary offers the most time efficient and affordable way ever to receive your quality, theologically accredited, Bachelor, Master's and Doctorate Degrees. There is NO Tuition... Our students simply make a Love Offer which SAVES you up to 98% when *compared to traditional Degree programs.*See Application Page.

A U.S. Government-sponsored study[1] reported on the outcomes of earning both traditional and non -traditional degrees, as reported by thousands of graduates.

Graduates reported degrees from both accredited and unaccredited schools.

The study sought answers to three primary questions:

  1. Do those graduates having non-traditional degrees have a greater problem getting better jobs, or gaining admission to traditional graduate schools, than those with traditional degrees?
  2. Are there significant differences between outcomes of having an unaccredited, versus an accredited, non-traditional degree?
  3. Are graduates with non-traditional degrees satisfied with the outcomes of having those degrees?

Here is what was learned:

Non-Traditional Degrees and Desirable Jobs

In a survey of Human Resources officers at 81 large corporations, an overwhelming majority felt that while education was important, a non-traditional degree appeared as useful as a traditional one, even if the traditional school had “a strong reputation.”

The researchers noted that these findings “run counter to some popular beliefs,” but the “survey data strongly suggest that employers, as a group, are not overly concerned with institutional reputation, and that external degree holders should not find themselves denied opportunities in employment settings because of the nature of their degree.”

[1]Sosdian, Carol P. and Shart, Laure M., The External Degree as a Credential: Graduates’ Experience in Employment and Further Study, Washington D.C., U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.