Northwestern Theological Seminary  
"Educating the world for Jesus Christ"  
Main Topic Selections

Educating The World

You can receive your state authorized, theologically accredited Bachelor, Master, Doctorate degrees in far less time, for up to 98% less expense than through most traditional online seminaries, online bible colleges, online universities!    



   "Celebrating 35 Years Of Christian Education,  Since 1980"

  Northwestern Theological Seminary offers the most time efficient and affordable way ever to receive your quality, theologically accredited, Bachelor, Master's and Doctorate Degrees. There is NO standard Tuition... Our students simply make a Love Offer which SAVES you up to 98% when *compared to traditional Degree programs.*See Application Page. 



  • What is the cost comparison for a traditional education vs. non-traditional, online education?


Traditional cost, tuition and all expenses including food, lodging and living costs, to acquire Bachelor-Master's-Doctorate can lead to educational expenses of: $120,000 or more. The Non-traditional, online education cost to acquire your Bachelor-Masters-Doctorate through Northwestern Theological Seminary requires NO set tuition or other expenses. At N.T.S. we suggest a minimum Love Offer in lieu of tuition which equals just 2% or more  of the traditional cost for a secular degree program.  This means up to a 98% savings or more when compared to the total expenses involved in attending a traditional college, university or seminary.                     


  • Are non-traditional, online degrees legitimate? Can I list them on my  resume?


Yes, they are very legitimate and recognized as credible by government studies.

Non-traditional, online education is a viable solution to save both time and money.

Remember, your degrees from Northwestern Theological Seminary are both State authorized and theologically accredited. These are the two most important qualifications to consider with any seminary or university online degree program.


  • Will credentials from Northwestern help to advance my Ministry career?


Yes, our educational programs are geared for preparing students for ministry and improving your ministry.

However, it is not the goal of Northwestern Theological Seminary, to prepare people for financial advancement in secular occupations.

We are not saying that a degree from NTS will mean more income. In fact we do not recommend our degrees for use in secular employment career advancement. The goal of Northwestern is to educate our students so that they will be effective in Ministry related Christian service. The rewards of ministering to the needs of others should far out weigh any desire for financial accomplishment in life. Your character will be judged by what you do for the good of others, not by how much wealth you accumulate.


  •  How fast can I complete the course requirements and        receive my online degrees?


It is possible to complete all requirements and receive your Bachelor-Master's-Doctorate Degrees in a very reasonable amount of time, depending on how much educational experience you may already have as well as other learning experience and information that you are able to provide when you complete your prior life credit evaluation paperwork. Because your time schedule is not limited by forced class attendance at Northwestern, the pace at which you complete your course requirements will be determined by you. This is a great advantage; because you dictate your own study schedule, you can accelerate the accomplishment of your degree programs. A fully qualified candidate could qualify for multiple degrees within just a few years as compared to many years through a traditional college or university degree program. The NTS- AADP accelerated degree programs allow pre-qualified students to complete a Master or Doctorate degree in just *12 weeks to 1-year. *Contingent on prior educational experience as supported by transcripts.


  •  Are transcripts documenting my educational performance and degree awards available from Northwestern?


                Yes, Northwestern will forward transcripts which reflect your grades as well as all courses that you have completed leading to appropriate degree awards. Your transcripts will be on file at Northwestern and copies of such transcripts can be mailed to any organization that makes a request to verify a student’s education. Transcripts will not be mailed to a requesting organization unless authorized, in writing by the alumnus. 



  • Does Northwestern Seminary have a graduation ceremony?


                Because our students enroll online from all over the world and because our students complete their degree program requirements on an open enrollment format, it is not required that students attend our graduation ceremonies. However, NTS does have an annual graduation ceremony at our Mt. Dora, Florida physical campus location. Students from around the world would be welcome to come to this annual graduation celebration.






  • Will you still have to use the excuse “but I have not completed my education and have still not acquired my Bachelor, Master's or Doctorate Degrees?


  •  Is there any investment more valuable than investing in your  own personal development? If this program can provide accredited Degrees and SAVE me as much as 98% as well as substantial time, shouldn't I take action now to fulfill my educational goals?


  • Is there a chance that you will find yourself held back in your ministry career because you have no degree or just an under-graduate degree?


  • Will furthering your education and listing graduate Degrees on your resume provide a better image as well as extra advantages in your future ministry?


  •   Will you soon be able to enjoy the greater prestige and higher respect paid to a person with, graduate level, theologically accredited Degrees?


  • Where can you find any theologically accredited and state authorized degree program that can be completed in less time and at a lower cost?



I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13)





                   It's Easy to apply today!! simply review the website, then  click the APPLICATION button and fill in the requested information and experiential credit evaluation fields then click SUBMIT. There is NO cost to apply!


                   A member of our faculty will review your application and contact you by E-mail to notify you concerning approval or denial of your application, to arrange for your documentation and to briefly explain your educational plan leading to the award of your Degree(s).




Jesus said, " Follow me and I will make your fishers of men".  (Matt 4:19)





online degree | christian education | accredited degrees | salvation | Seminary education | world missions ministries | apply for online degree | welcome from president  

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