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"Educating the world for Jesus Christ"
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Educating The World

You can receive your state authorized, accredited Bachelor, Master, Doctorate degrees in far less time, for up to 98% less expense than through most traditional online seminaries, online bible colleges, online universities!


New Doctorate Degree

Doctorate Degree resources on include information about Christian Theological Seminary, and more. Distance education vs traditional education. Northwestern theological seminary prepares men and women to serve Jesus Christ.

Doctorate Degree News

 Developments in telecommunications and media are influencing the future of distance education. Students who use these networks, along with CD- ROMs, video discs and other new media, learn to become more independent and are better able to structure their own learning. Learning experiences are likely to be increasingly flexible in location and format, but issues of instructional design, student support, access and equity, and credibility and cost will continue to be important.

Doctorate Degree Facts Changed themselves by these proleptic experiences or diverse and just community, they will, it is hoped, lead their congregations, denomination and other social organizations toward the peace, inclusiveness and justice that god intends for all. The instructor indicated that technology in this course was in some ways positive, but that it hampers interaction because it cuts down on the spontaneity. It is possible that in this environment forced interactions occur, which require more effort and attention directed towards remote site students. Theological field education site is the church/agency where seminarians serve and learn with persons in professional and lay ministry. See also Pre-Seminary Course Of Study, and pages related to Doctorate Degree.