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Christian Colleges
Distance education offered through northwestern seminary; programs include undergraduate, graduate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees in bible, education, missions,theology, christian counseling.
Seminarian: student in seminary: a student who is training in a seminary to be a priest, minister, or rabbi what was certainly one of the proudest days of his life, the rev. Jesse
Jackson Sr. , returned to Chicago Theological Seminary to receive his Masters of
Divinity degree during recent commencement exercises.
Christian Colleges Articles
They could then, over a three-year period, work through those problems and questions with mentors, professors and peers. Indeed, seminary requires great effort, energy and time in thinking about god. At least 85 percent of them report being involved in patterns of denominational or congregational service (on average days a year). Its not that we have no sense of where we fit in the spectrum of
Christian beliefs and practices. The impact of technology on interactions with other students was depicted as occurring more frequently with students at their own sites, whereas they were unable to get to know the other students at the distant sites as well. But they would do it having had a foundation in theological schooling and in the congregation where faith is practiced. But they also need theologically trained, interpersonally able people who have their own sense of what it means to be persons of faith, who have the capacity to invite a congregation to think about its being a community of faith.
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